Agenda overview
DAY 1: Thursday, 23 May
9.30-10 – Introductory Remarks by Ana Ilievska (Bonn)
10-12 – Humanism(s)
Abhiruchi Ojha (Delhi) and Leslie Keerthi Kumar SM (Delhi): Becoming Truly Human in the Future: Reflections on a Post-Labor Human Society
Oliver Braganza (Bonn): Digital Humanism
Michael J. Thate (Princeton): By What Measure? The Scale Problem of Life, AI, and the Anthropocene
Eleanor Drage (Cambridge): Planetary Humanism: Recovering the Space of the Incalculable
12-14 – Lunch Break
14-15.30 – Philosophical Perspectives
Martin Baesler (Freiburg): Friends with AI? Some Considerations on Hannah Arendt’s Political Humanis
Sandrine Hansen (Copenhagen): Self-Actualization and Inhibition in Generative AI
Marco Russo (Salerno): Implementing Wisdom: Machines, phronesis, and the Good Life
Christos Kalpakidis (Bonn) – “Sartre’s Existentialist Marxist Humanism and AI as the Practico-
15.30-16 – Coffee Break
16-17.30 – Cultural Perspectives
Wu Lanxiang (Southeast University, China): When AI Characters Misalign with Human Intensions: Murder and Morality in Robert Sawyer’s The Terminal Experiment
Serge Goriely (Louvain): Humanism, Love, and AI: A Comparative Exploration in Contemporary Cinema
Paolo Orrù (Cagliari): The Human-Machine Relationship: Artificial Intelligence and Human Perception in Italian Media Discourse
17.30-19 – Break
19.00-20.30 – Keynote Address
Robert Pogue Harrison (Stanford): The Phainosphere: Where Mind Meets Matter
followed by a discussion with
Markus Gabriel (Bonn) and Maurizio Ferraris (Torino)
20.30 Reception on CST Roof Terrace
DAY 1: Friday, 24 May
9.30-11 – The Human Condition in the Age of AI
Sirio Zolea (Roma Tre) and Wen Xiang (Copenhagen): Humanism in Judiciary Decision in the Age of AI: Comparative Perspectives
Julia Mönig (Bonn): The Human behind Human-Centric AI
Paolo Pellecchia (Vitoria University Madrid): Transcending the Limits of trasumanar in the Finite? On Boundaries and Edges of the Human Condition
11-11.30 – Coffee Break
11.30-12 – Screening of short film “The Best Option” (2022), dir. Serge Goriely
12-14 – AI in Search of an Author
Gianmaria Ajani (Torino): AI, Arts, and Human Creativity: A Challenge to Classical Regulations
Ginevra Latini (Siena): The Word ‘Anthropos’ and the Writing Machine
João Pedro Cachopo (Lisbon NOVA): The Task of the Essayist in the Age of AI: Technology, Creativity, and the Definition of the Human
Andrea Sartori (Nankai University): Is Bio-Fiction Something More than a Literary Genre?
14-14.30 – Concluding Remarks by Ana Ilievska (Bonn)
If you have any questions about the conference, please email: ilievska@uni-bonn.de